September 2023

Classification of Investment

Classification of Investment-What is the Classification of Investment-What is Investment Classification

There are several good reasons to put some of your money into investments. You want to become wealthy so that you have financial security in times of need, freedom to pursue your goals and aspirations, and security in the event of job loss. So that your savings don’t lose purchasing power due to inflation, you […]

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Top 10 – Goals of Investment

Goals of Investment-What are the Goals of Investment-What are Investment Goals

There should always be a valid justification for any kind of expenditure. The act of spending without a specific objective in mind is akin to “squirreling away” money. By hoarding nuts for the winter, squirrels may one day contribute to the growth of trees that provide food for humans. It’s clear that even squirrels provide

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Top 10 – Principles of Investment

Principles of Investment-What are the Principles of Investment-What are Investment Principles

Today’s investors face volatile market conditions, a flood of information from the media, and an ever-expanding array of spending options. It’s hardly shocking that making it in the professional world might feel challenging. Investors run the danger of missing out on the long-term rewards of their assets due to the complexity of the situation. This

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