Top 10 – Waste of Money

Waste of Money-What is the Waste of Money-What is Money Waste

Burning rubbish without proper precautions can contaminate the air and add to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the environment. The local air quality suffers immediately, and an increase in respiratory ailments often follows; also, this component contributes to global warming. Richer countries produce more trash than poorer ones because their citizens have the resources

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Top 10 – Nature of Money

Nature of Money-What is the Nature of Money-What is Money Nature

Payment for goods and services, or the settlement of obligations, is often accepted in the form of nearly anything, including cash. In common parlance, we refer to this medium of exchange simply as “money.” Money is the lifeblood of the global economy. The circulation of currency facilitates trade and hence contributes to economic expansion. Before

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